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Want your people to trust you? Put your trust in them. 10/05/2018
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Communication; think before 23/02/2018
Diagnostic Tools
Digging a little deeper
These days there are a wide variety of tools that can be used to better understand the many aspects of your business. At Robin Lodge Associates, we've put together a carefully currated package of tools that our clients use as part of their programmes, or even just as part of one off tune-ups. The types of diagnostic tools available to us are:
Psychometrics - Our Thomas International PPA and Emotional Intelligence assessments are grounded in years of psychological research and are designed to explore an individual's mental attributes, such as behaviour, personailty traits or motivations.
Cultural Tools - An Even Better Place to Work focuses on engagement with your people and helps to foster a positive and productive environment for all.
Performance Tools - Providing feedback or looking at an individuals progress within their role can be difficult without the right sort of structure; our 360 Feedback tool and HPTI Leadership Potential assessment, are for that very purpose.
These tools are not only available to our clients involved with programmes, consultancy and coaching; each tool is robust and thorough, in of itself. If you're interested in any of our tools, simply click the links to be taken to the relevant pages, or just drop us a line if you'd like to chat.